Guangzhou Monisa Clothing&handbag Trading Co. Ltd stands as a premier fashion brand specializing in clothing and handbags. Based in Guangdong Sheng, China, we seamlessly integrate design, production, sales, wholesale, and e-commerce. Our services encompass OEM production and ODM design processing to cater to diverse client needs.Our brand ethos revolves around infusing elegance into the everyday. We prioritize subtlety over ostentation, offering a blend of sophistication and reliability. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship and timeless design sets us apart in the fashion industry.Brand Culture:Embracing a fashion culture of vitality, individuality, and allure, we draw inspiration from Van Gogh's ethos. Our brand advocates a lifestyle rooted in nature, independence, and self-assurance, embodying a fusion of charm, fashion, and grace. We strive to evoke a sense of beauty and aspiration in all our creations.Brand Vision and Mission:At Guangzhou Monisa Clothing&handbag Trading Co. Ltd, our vision is to redefine fashion with a focus on service and value creation. Our mission is to promote a fashion-forward mindset, empowering individuals to embrace their unique style with confidence.
Miscellaneous Adult Clothing, Apparel & Fashion, Other Fashion Products, Handbags, Sportswear, Footwear, Sports & Entertainment, Leather Goods / Products, Textiles Leather & Jute
HQ Location
Guangzhou, China