UMPS CARE Charities was founded through the compassion of Major League Baseball umpires. UMPS CARE provides financial, in-kind and emotional support for America's youth and families in need.
The UMPS CARE mission puts into action our established creed, "Helping People is an Easy Call". Through our youth based programs, professional umpires enrich the lives of at-risk youth, children coping with serious illness, kids awaiting adoption, and military families by providing memorable baseball experiences. Through our scholarship initiative we offer financial support for college to children adopted later in life.
We have three main programs
- BLUE Crew Ticket program where we offer once-in-a-lifetime baseball experiences to at risk youth, kids coping with serious illness, foster children and military families;
- BLUE for Kids program which brings Build-A-Bear Workshop(C) experiences to patients in children's hospitals across the country;
- All-Star Scholarship program that offers financial support for college to deserving youth adopted later in life.
Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
301 Holly Rd
Edgewater, Maryland 21037, US
Support for at-risk youthSupport for children coping with serious illnessSupport for foster childrenSupport for military familiesFinancial support for collegeOrganizing memorable eventsCollaborating with professional umpires
Baseball experiencesBuild-A-Bear Workshop experiencesScholarship initiative