Turn Up Turnout is not your average student group. Started by University of Michigan professor Edie Goldenberg, TUT’s goal is to increase voter registration and voter turnout among 18-24 year olds in midterm and local elections. Our nonpartisan approach is simple:
-Work with UM’s Ginsberg Center to sign U of M students up on TurboVote, where they can:
-Register to vote;
-Receive reminders of elections; and
-Get help acquiring absentee ballots when needed.
-Create and put into action a strategy to involve graduate students at U of M with our initiative, while teaching them about the importance of voting;
-Develop and administer workshops that explain to high school- and college-aged students WHY voting is important, especially in midterm and local elections, and HOW exactly to vote; and
-Share our strategy and workshop with universities across the state of Michigan and across the country, where other college-aged facilitators will implement them in their communities.
-Browse our website to learn more about our initiatives, events, and future plans!
Want to join the movement to promote informed voting on your campus? Check out our Promote Informed Voting Flyer to learn how to do so.
Note: TUT aims to provide an atmosphere where diverse opinions can be freely shared and used to further our initiative. Therefore, TUT is open to all U of M students, regardless of age or major.