TACS is located in Traverse City, Michigan. We are a local non-profit organization, est. 1994. Our mission is to provide sailing opportunities for the Grand Traverse Region.
Our Programs:
YOUTH SAILING- For children 8-17, sailing is taught by US Sailing certified instructors in 8' prams, Sunfish and JY15's. Each student is placed in a boat and program appropriate to their size and experience.
ADULT LEARN TO SAIL - For the young of heart, our adult course is taught in 17' Interlakes on Boardman lake.
ADVANCED SAILING- Aimed at sailors who have previously participated in the Youth Sailing Programs, the Advanced Course teaches sail trim, race tactics and advanced boat handling in 1 person (Lasers), 2 person (JY 15's) and 3 person boats (Interlakes)
TACS RACING TEAM - For Middle and High School students who have completed the Advanced Sailing Course, the Racing Team provides sailors the opportunity to race as part of a crew on a 17' Interlake on Thursdays against some of the best sailors in the area.
FAMILY FUN NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY - Come sailing on Boardman Lake on Thursday with a season pass!
High School Racing Team - TACS supports local high school sailors competing in the Midwest Inter-scholastic Sailing Association. Sailors from Glen Lake, Suttons Bay, Traverse City Central and Traverse City West High Schools train on Tues, Wed. & Thurs. afternoons (in season). The teams travel to regattas across the midwest on their quest to have fun & win a National Championship