Our company, was named «training», quite simply because that is what we offer - in many forms.
«training» helps organizations make more money, by means of adapted and effective training.
training, headquartered in Oslo - Norway, was established as a separate company based on «Moment-training», a highly effective training concept originally developed in 2009, since then bought and further enhanced by us. We have many years of training experience – from various industries and disciplines in 38 countries, and since 2001 we have helped more than 10.000 individuals. Our experience – is your guarantee.
Unbending commitment to ‘real life’ training has seen the company swiftly rise to be recognized as one of the leading training providers in Norway.
We believe:
t) that Sales is a Skill
t) that Skills can be Developed
t) that Development requires Regular training
t) that Regular training requires that it is Available and
t) that what is Available has to be Relevant
That is why our products & services now are built up around the following 4 pillars:
t) Academy-training - "long-term training put into a system"
t) Moment-training - "regular and relevant training"
t) In-house-training - "company training adapted to your needs"
t) Courses & Seminars -"what you need, when you need it"
With us you can:
t) Train on what you need
t) Train when you can
t) Train as often you like
We are confident that you by choosing us as your training partner will see improved results in your company. Please contact us for more information: contact@training.no / www.training.no