Thundafund.Africa specializes in Fundraising with 2 employees
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About Thundafund.Africa
Thundafund is Africa's leading online crowdfunding platform for entrepreneurs with creative and innovative ideas.
Through Thundafund, entrepreneurs with their respective projects & ideas can raise capital and build a supportive crowd of backers through the process of crowdfunding.
What makes Thundafund exceptional:
Designed for Africa by Africans. Our commitment is to Africa and we believe that by activating our own communities we can build prosperity.
Business mentorship:
Thundafund couples projects with business and mentorship support services. Mentorship is as important as raising the capital to build successful enterprises.
Thundafund’s statement of values:
Thundafund believes that by changing the way entrepreneurial funding works, and by making this transparent and inclusive, we can build trust and loyalty between entrepreneurs and their customers, and thereby grow economies and create jobs. We will showcase the best of African creativity and enterprises so that people are inspired to be part of entrepreneurial success. This is not about charity. This is about change.