The Peace Alliance educates, advocates, and mobilizes people into action to transform systems and public policy toward a culture of peace.
Who We Are:
We are an alliance of organizers and advocates throughout the United States taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the centers of national discourse and policy priorities. Our network includes volunteer grassroots teams in hundreds of cities, towns, colleges and high school campuses.
The Peace Alliance is a 501(c)4 nonprofit. The Peace Alliance Educational Institute is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that may accept tax deductible donations.
What We Do:
Advocate for evidence-based legislation and policy that will enhance our capacity to reduce violence and build sustainable peace both domestically and internationally.
Practice and promote community peacebuilding efforts that engage people in the day-to-day work of understanding and preventing violence in our homes, communities, and institutions as well as in our personal lives.
Build broad-based coalitions, educate the public, and generate media in support of our specific policy and community service initiatives.
The 2009-2011 Strategic Plan of The Peace Alliance has five specific sections: Legislative Advocacy, Community Peacebuilding, Mainstreaming Peacebuilding in the Media, Build and Empower the Grassroots Network, and Financial Sustainability.