Founded as a private, nonprofit educational organization on March 2, 1897—the 61st anniversary of the Texas Declaration of Independence—TSHA (Texas State Historical Association) has long been regarded as the nation's most dynamic regional history organization. Reinforced by more than one hundred years of scholarship and educational programs, its mission is to further the appreciation, understanding, and teaching of the rich and unique history of Texas through research, writing, and publication of related historical material.
TSHA's highly regarded Handbook of Texas with its 27,000 entries in searchable format is available online at no charge. The award-winning Southwestern Historical Quarterly has been published since 1897. TSHA Press celebrates its centennial of publishing a wide variety of award-winning books about Texas. Programs for all ages include the Annual Meeting held each March to showcase the latest in Texas history scholarship, educator workshops, the Webb Society for college-level students, and Junior Historians and Texas History Day (part of the National History Day program) for intermediate and secondary students.
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