You may have heard of us before, just with a slightly different name.
As Tempo//Storm, we took our first steps into the burgeoning esports industry back in 2014. Over time, we fielded teams in multiple titles, racking up trophies and establishing ourselves as a champion organization. It was a whirlwind journey, filled with excitement, challenges, and triumphs—and we made memories that we’ll treasure for a lifetime.
Now, more than a decade later, we want our fans to create some of these treasured memories for themselves. We’re making a game of our own: The Bazaar. Plunging into development is, of course, a massive challenge and a monumental risk—but if our finished product looks anything like our vision, it will all be worth it.
So let us reintroduce ourselves: We’re Tempo. We’re on a journey to craft a rich gaming experience and create meaningful, lasting memories. Care to join us?
>>Check out our game