Te Tapu o Tāne Ltd (Te Tapu o Tāne)
Established by ki Papatipu Rūnanga o Murhiku - Awarua, Hokonui, Ōraka-Aparima and Waihōpai.
Translates to the sacredness of Tāne - Tānemahuta God of the Forest and the protection of his tamariki - the trees.
Our vision is guided by te ao māori, Murihiku whānui enhance mahinga kai and whenua connections, tikanga, rangatiratanga, and the mātauranga of our tīpuna, we will lead our people toward climate resilience.
We operate our wholesale nursery as a home-base for catchment rehabilitation services - Environmental Management & Planning, Wholesale Nursery * Reforestation Services, in doing such we will operate sustainable business with charitable purpose and initiate and realise positive change.
Through our mahi ecosystems will be recovered, indigenous biodiversity will be enhanced, and full scale catchment rehabilitation will be realised alongside our greater community outreach.
TE TAPU O TĀNE provides a strong pathway for the regeneration of our natural assets.
Our supporters and partners are Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Ngāi Tahu Regional Investments and Holdings, Bluff Motupōhue Hill Environment Trust, Invercargill City Council, Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust, Hokonui Rūnanga, Project Crimson, Department of Conservation, Ministry for Primary Industries, Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry for Education, Department of Corrections.
The core whānau team of 14 at Te Tapu o Tāne work to uphold the mauri of te taiao and the mana of murihiku rūnanga. Our vision is guided by our owners and our goal is to bridge the gap to create tangible relationships on the ground with community to help reduce impact and promote manaaki.