The Sustainable Southeast Partnership (SSP) is a dynamic network uniting diverse skills and perspectives to strengthen cultural, ecological, and economic resilience across Southeast Alaska. We envision self-determined and connected communities where Southeast Indigenous values continue to inspire society, shape our relationships, and ensure that each generation thrives on healthy lands and waters.
SSP includes international, regional, and community-based organizations, tribal governments, land managers, entrepreneurs, native corporations, passionate individuals, and experts in food sovereignty, land management, local business, energy systems, storytelling, mariculture, fisheries, and more.
We work at the intersection of cultural, economic and ecological well being. We are process focused and values-driven and prioritize trust and relationship building. We meet virtually every month, and in-person as a full Partnership twice a year to identify, and act on, opportunities to collaborate. We mobilize a robust communications and storytelling program that helps to connect our communities, inspire and empower local leadership, and share opportunities and resources across rural Southeast.