Stichting Credit4Cuba is a non-profit foundation for the Cuban (small) entrepreneur. Our goal is to empower the self-employed, and to support business and trade development in Cuba. To reach our goal we work in close cooperation with Cuban entrepreneurs and local parties.
The foundation aims to provide three services;
i. Informal network meetings for entrepreneurs and commercial banks, providing support to both parties
ii. Training, technical assistance and coaching
iii. Improve access to funding
Stichting Credit4Cuba intends to connect social investors, entrepreneurs, experienced entrepreneurs (coaches), corporates and bank's with (small) entrepreneurs in Cuba, providing all parties the possibility to make a difference!
If you wish to be informed on our organisation and future activities you can send us an e-mail at or you can also go to our website to register for the newsletter (on the bottom of the page). For questions or suggestions you can send an e-mail to as well. Thanks for the support!