StartHub is a Startup Center in Lahti backed by the City of Lahti, Isku Oy and Lab University of applied sciences.
We are looking for the startup minded and acting individuals and brave entrepreneur personalities. Business idea and industry can be any, if the business is easy to scale and interests the potential target group. We guide startup entrepreneurs to a right direction and help to scale and grow it to a successful business. All the services are free of charge for our members.
We are also looking for investors and partners to support our members to conquer the world with their start up ideas.
StartHub on tiivis yhteisö ja uusien liikeideoiden kiihdyttämö Lahden seudulle sijoittuville startupeille sekä toimintaamme tukeville yhteistyökumppaneille. Meillä kohdataan, tuetaan, sparrataan ja autetaan yrittäjyyden ja menestymisen alkuun.