Start Proud - Fier Départ

Start Proud - Fier Départ specializes in Non-profit Organizations with 51 employees
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About Start Proud - Fier Départ
Our Vision: To empower members of the LGBTQA community to be Canada’s leaders of tomorrow; where all institutions embrace inclusiveness within the workplace and diversity within the workforce. Our objectives at Out On Bay Street are to: 1. Inspire students to utilize their confidence, skills and knowledge that will enable them to distinguish themselves and act as leaders of the Canadian community. 2. Connect students with fellow peers, professionals and members from pro-LGBTQA organizations to establish their network. 3. Foster mentorship by exposing students to strong leaders and role models that have paved the way for the LGBTQA community. 4. Establish a positive public profile of the advancement of the LGBTQA community in the Canadian workforce and communities within which we operate. Our values at Out On Bay Street are: 1. People People denotes respecting diversity to encourage authenticity. 2. Excellence Excellence denotes execution with quality to increase value. 3. Acknowledgment Acknowledgement denotes recognizing a leader’s success in the face of struggle and change. 4. Inspiration Inspiration denotes empowering passion and ambition for the growth of the community. 5. Collaboration Collaboration denotes providing an increased range of resources and support for our future leaders.
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Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
20 Bloor St. E. PO Box 75026 20 Bloor St. E., PO Box 75026 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3T3, Ontario M4W 3T3, CA
Start Proud - Fier Départ Location
  • 20 Bloor St. E. PO Box 75026 20 Bloor St. E., PO Box 75026 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3T3, Ontario M4W 3T3, CA

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Start Proud - Fier Départ specializes in the Non-profit Organizations field