Springville Museum Of Art, Utah

Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos · 11 Employees
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The Springville Museum of Art is Utah’s first art museum, dedicated as a “Sanctuary of Beauty and a Temple of Contemplation” in 1937. The impressive permanent collection of 150 years of Utah art, twentieth-century Soviet Realist art, and American art shares space with juried shows of contemporary Utah art. Founded with a commitment to quality, life-affirming art, the Museum recognizes the seed of potential within each individual and seeks to nurture growth through the creative process, positive cultural values, and a belief in the beauty of life. Through the vision and generosity of Museum donors, visitors, members, and volunteers, the Museum is able to fulfill the mission of its founders, Cyrus Dallin and John Hafen, in refining minds and building character through fine art. The history of the Museum began in 1903 with the donation of two works of art to Springville High School by artists Cyrus E. Dallin and John Hafen. Dallin became famous for his Paul Revere sculpture in Boston and his heroic depictions of the American Indian. Likewise, Hafen became well known for his sensitively rendered impressionistic landscapes. In 1907, high school students began collecting paintings and sculpture through an “Art Queen” program. Each student paid a penny per vote. The girl with the most votes was named queen, and the funds were used to purchase artwork for the Museum’s collection. Cultural and educational offerings at the Museum have expanded over time in response to community desire and need.
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Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos
HQ Location
126 E 400 S Springville, Utah 84663, US
  • 126 E 400 S Springville, Utah 84663, US

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