SFLC.in is the first Indian legal services organization that works exclusively on technology, law, and policy. As a not-for-profit organization engaged in the empowerment of Indian citizens about their digital freedom and rights, it operates as a collective bringing together different stakeholders to a common platform to further the cause of digital rights. SFLC.in promotes innovation and open access to knowledge by helping policymakers make informed and just decisions regarding the use and adoption of technology. As of December 2023, SFLC.in is the only Indian organization to be inducted as a member of the IFEX, a global network to defend the right to freedom of expression and information.
SFLC.in promotes innovation and open access to knowledge by helping different stakeholders make informed and just decisions regarding the use and adoption of technology. We make representations in Intellectual Property Rights disputes, equipment technology cases, data protection, and content takedown (Intermediary Liability Disputes).
SFLC.in has received Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).