SVCN leads our network to advocate and impact government systems. To achieve results, we work in partnership with our nonprofit network, local foundations, and others in our community to shine a light on many issues facing clients in our community. SVCN engages in education, takes formal positions and speaks out on issues that might impact the funding of health services to clients.
We focus on:
· Economic strength: To increase nonprofit influence on budget development and funding decisions to maintain and increase funding levels for the health and human service nonprofit sector.
· Policy strength: To increase the recognition of the value of nonprofit health and human service agencies.
· Leadership development: To develop leadership within the health and human service sector who are proactive spokespersons with a united, influential voice
· Communication Strength: Through our research, data collection, email alerts and communication with the SVCN network we are positioned to represent the collective voice of the nonprofit sector at key policy making arenas.
· Partnerships and Collaborations: SVCN collaborates and develops partnerships to strengthen the nonprofit sector.