Sight For All is a charitable organisation based in Adelaide whose voluntary team of eye care professionals is dedicated to fighting avoidable blindness in our own community and in developing countries where 90% of the world's blind live.
Throughout the world there are 270 million people who have poor vision due to eye disease or a lack of glasses. There are a further 45 million who are blind. Most have severely limited educational and employment opportunities and none can see the faces of their families or friends.
The impact of blindness on the individuals, the family and the community is far reaching but the socio-economic impact on a developing country can be immense. Alleviating blindness will go a long way toward eliminating poverty in many countries and is a cause worth fighting for.
Sight For All's team comprises over 1000 ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic nurses and scientists from all over Australia and New Zealand.
Sight For All's mission is 'To determine the magnitude and causes of blindness in partner communities in order to prioritise eye health projects' and 'To ensure eye care professionals have the necessary knowledge, skills and equipment and their communities have the necessary awareness, so that sustainable solutions to blindness can be addressed'.
Sight For All's projects are provided free of charge to our partner countries and communities and are based on four key strategies -
- Collaborative Research
- Infrastructure Support
- Sustainable Education
- Eye Health Awareness