Seeds to Sew International is a 501(c)3 US-based non-profit organization. We are focused on improving the lives of women and girls in impoverished communities by access to education and job skills training. Our goal is to provide a platform by which women and girls can create a future for themselves, their children, and their society. Our mission is to influence positive, transformative, and lasting change in the lives of these women and girls, their children, and their communities. Currently working in remote villages in Kenya, we give our program participants an opportunity to make an income for themselves by making products – Enkiteng Wrapping Bags, Enkisoma beaded jewelry and Magoto gifts made out of banana tree bark, sisal and other natural materials. The products that they create are then sold by our organization on world-wide market and all proceeds are returned to the women and girls in the programs so that they can pay for school fees, medical care, and feed their families. To find out more about our programs, please visit our website