Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity that supports anyone concerned about someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland. We give information and advice to many people and help them with confidence, communication, general wellbeing, and we link them into local support.
When we say family, we mean who you see as your family. It could be close and extended family members, friends, your friend’s family, colleagues, neighbours, anyone.
We were created in 2003 by families themselves who came together to support each other and campaign for recognition. We’ve grown a lot since then!
We support people through our helpline, bereavement support service, Telehealth (one-to-one support), and our family support services in Aberdeenshire, East Dunbartonshire, and Forth Valley. We also deliver workforce development through our training courses, communications and campaigning work, our young person’s project ‘Routes’ in East and West Dunbartonshire, and wider community development including our Connecting Families programme.