The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) was founded in 1982 to champion freedom of the press, promote excellence in journalism and endorse best practices for all local and regional publishing platforms in Asia Pacific. SOPA is a not-for-profit organization based in Hong Kong and representing international, regional and local media companies across Asia. The Society of Publishers in Asia is also host to the prestigious annual SOPA Awards for Editorial Excellence which serve as the world-class benchmark for quality journalism in Asia.
亞洲出版業協會(The Society of Publishers in Asia 簡稱SOPA)成立於1982年,旨在維護新聞自由,表揚亞太區出色新聞工作,以及推廣出版界的專業地位。亞洲出版業協會乃香港非牟利團體,是國際、區域及本地出版媒體的指標,每年均舉辦享負盛名的卓越新聞獎,為亞洲新聞報導定下世界級標準。