"Transforming lives impacted by crime through healing services and relationships"
Restorative Partners envisions a widespread embrace of a restorative justice approach and practice primarily in the Tri-Counties Criminal Justice System. Our work involves reaching out to all the stakeholders: victims, offenders, law enforcement, corrections, non-profits, university, business and faith-based communities to create a more healing response to those impacted by crime.
Our Mission
To mobilize and coordinate programs that create positive changes and promote a restorative justice approach to crime.
Our Goals
1. We educate the community in the philosophy and practice of restorative justice.
2. We partner with stakeholders to initiate, sponsor and coordinate services at the SLO County Jail, Juvenile Hall and in the SLO community.
3. We recruit and train volunteers to share their gifts and expertise in our programs.
4. We create a wide base of support to sustain our programs.