Recupel collects used electrical and electronic appliances and gives them a new lease of life. Our non-profit organisation (asbl/vzw) is working towards creating a circular economy, encouraging people to repair faulty appliances, and ensuring that any still-usable appliances end up in second-hand stores. And those items that are beyond repair? We send them to local, specialised recycling centres to recover as much raw material as possible.
Non-profit organisation Recupel was founded in 2001 by Belgian producers and importers of electrical and electronic appliances. Since then, Recupel has introduced a contribution per electrical and electronic appliance sold. Through this contribution, Recupel is able to provide a good collection system, raise awareness, support recovery and reuse initiatives and organise the recycling chain.
Every year, Recupel collects 10 to 11 kilograms of discarded electrical and electronic equipment per capita. This puts Belgium among the top performers in Europe. Together with various authorities and organisations in the field, we are constantly looking for innovative ways to increase the amount of e-waste collected in Belgium, thereby reducing the amount destined for landfill. Our activities help drive innovation in the recycling sector, while also creating jobs for the Belgian labour market and in the social economy.
In short: toghether, we're making a more beautiful world.
#samencirculair #ensemblecirculaires
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