Launched in 2005, is the world’s first platform for search and exploration of Hindi content. Since then it has steadily evolved from a Hindi content aggregator to the largest Hindi infotainment portal. The platform has been developed by its sister-concern Indicus Analytics, an Internationally renowned economic data, analytics, and research firm known for its cutting edge technologies and algorithms to create analytical, machine learning, indexing, and statistical modeling applications.
The site compiles information from multiple online sources expanding across verticals such as Search, News, Education, Dictionary, Astrology, Religion, Songs, Movies, Blogs etc. Raftaar’s innovative solutions separate the Hindi content from the entire web, indexing, categorizing and classifying it in an automated manner on a real time basis and making otherwise difficult to access information easily available. Its unique classification algorithms combined with usage of analytics provides the content into specific easy to access verticals. To their credit they are the
First to convert Hindi font from ASCII to Unicode and vice versa,
First to introduce a phonetic keyboard,
First Online Hindi Thesaurus,
First to create index and make searchable both Unicode and non-Unicode content,
First to introduce character morphology for Hindi,
First to allow searching Hindi songs in Devanaagri,
First to search Devanaagri content using Roman script
Raftaar has been the recipient of the Manthan award for e-localization, showcased by the Government of India, Department of Official Language (Rajbhasha Vibhag) and empanelled with the Department of Audio Visual Publicity, GoI.
Today, Raftaar has become increasingly popular with 8.5 million page-views and 2.5 million unique visitors per month. Raftaar is thus best positioned to capitalize on the expected surge in internet use with growth of mobile search and tablet use among the Indian masses.
Media and Telecommunications
HQ Location
Star Infinity Tower, Plot No -14, Sec -14
3rd Floor, Office No 308-310
Seemant Vihar , Kaushambi , Uttar Pradesh 201010, IN
Indian Language Technologies (focus Hindi)Searchcrawling and IndexingNatural Language ProcessingMobile Value added services (VAS)Real Time Data IndexingTransliteration and Translationand Big Dataclusteringretreival