QIPP is a not-for-profit NGO that believes in evidence-based policy and whose mission is to contribute to the development of better answers to social challenges. QIPP develops and participates in social projects, scaling its impact and promoting its sustainability through an efficient communication strategy.
At QIPP, we believe that civil society has a role to play in improving lives in our communities and that cooperation between universities, state or public authorities and NGOs is the key to build a better future for all. This cooperation can either happen through the implementation of projects or disseminating good practices that can contribute to the development of public policy.
QIPP gathers experts from many different academic backgrounds and professional experiences connected to policy development, project management and media/ communication. This combination of knowledges allows us to establish QIPP as a bridge between academic, social and political worlds, making its dissemination strategies more efficient and effective for the projects it participates in.