Promisia Osk is a cooperative that specializes in sustainable design and inspiring events.
Our design store, Miela Designroom, is located in Hämeenkatu 20, Tampere. Miela Designroom is a showroom for sustainable Finnish design and gathers several Finnish brands under same roof. Our new product, Agli socks, is our own brand for sustainable and fun fashion. Agli socks will be launched later in 2019.
Our events are related to cooperation, entrepreneurship and team work. SQUAD Tampere was organized in January 2019 and the next event will be coming soon.
We believe strongly in cooperation and team work and many of our events are organized together with our partners and other cooperatives. Tunne valssi will take place in the summer of 2019 and we're organizing the event together with Hurma Projektit Osk. Proakatemia's 20th birthday on the 21st of September will be carried out with the help of many other cooperatives. In addition to these events, Sport & Business Seminar was held in March 2019 and the seminar came to life because of our cooperation with Value Creative and Hurma Projektit Osk.
Please contact us for more information!
More about Miela Designroom at
The website for Agli socks is coming soon.
More about SQUAD Tampere at
#yhdessäisosti #miljoonatiimi #mieladesignroom #agli #SQUAD