Physically-challenged Development Foundation- (PDF) is a youth movement dedicated to change the lives of the youth with disabilities. It seeks to promote the concept of an inclusive society through and by youth who do not have disabilities.
• To create social awareness about disability and ensure equal rights
• To create a skilled work force within the disabled community
• To promote active citizenship, community service and volunteerism to create young leaders
We have 3 main activities to pursue our objectives:
1) Campaign for a barrier free campus:
To meet the requirements for a barrier free/disabled friendly campus, we have different kind of awareness raising event for the students and faculties, using a range of advocacy. Our most significant success in this area was to introduce the Jahangirnagar University as the first in Bangladesh to be ‘disabled-friendly’ University.
2) Rehabilitation and charity programs for the disabled youth
3) Summer Challenge
The Summer Challenge is a 45-day long competition where 15 teams with 10 people each compete to bring positive change to our society. 1000 physically-challenged and underprivileged people benefit from the Summer Challenge each year. The project also raises awareness among society and encourages young people to take up voluntary service to the nation and improve leadership among the youth. Nearly 3000 volunteers have worked with PDF and have fought for the rights of disabled youth through regular awareness and fundraising project.
Ultimately, PDF envisions to an inclusive society where youth with disabilities can practice leadership and work with mainstream community