Our Part Foundation focuses on initiatives that protect climate and democracy. Engaging with other donors, we support organizations best poised to drive rapid change, largely via movement building and advocacy.
It is up to those of us most privileged to make sure that our way of life doesn’t destroy the lives of others, nor the planet itself. The changing climate is driven by the greenhouse gas emissions that our country has benefited from the most.
In today’s global economy, goods, communication and people flow smoothly and quickly throughout the world. Much of this has raised the standard of living for so many. We make our goods in faraway countries, exporting jobs and also pollution. Many live near rising and warming oceans that they depend on for food. They suffer extreme drought and harsh hurricanes, changes driven by our way of life. Their ancestral homes are now unlivable, or soon will be so.
Paradoxically, the climate crisis has the potential to be the greatest gift to all. We can fight to reclaim the sanctity of our shared earth and all the sentient beings on it, and acknowledge the rights of all humanity. If we work together, imaginary barriers melt away. We can, at long last, see each other for what we really are, travelers on the same planet.