One Day's Wages (ODW) is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty.
ODW was started by an average family that chose to donate their entire 2009 salary - in hopes of inspiring people to simply donate their one day's wages (0.4% of one's annual salary) at least once/year.
Our work provides sustainable, grassroots development through carefully vetted partnerships. We work with communities living on less than $1.25 a day--the definition of extreme global poverty. We help these communities get access to clean water, quality education and health care, vocational training, nutritious food and much more.
We don't have to be billionaires or celebrities to make an impact. We can all make an impact through simple acts of generosity. ODW is you, me, us, and them: giving, dreaming, and working together. Join the movement: