Our Vision: “The voice that advances the economic well being and quality of life in the Olathe community.”
-Voted the “Nation's Best Chamber” by the National Association for Membership Development, an affiliate of the American Chamber of Commerce
-More than 1,700 members - business and community leaders, professionals, decision makers
-Largest chamber serving Johnson County; second largest in greater Kansas City
-Dynamic Economic Development Department (activities helped lead to the construction of 1 million square feet of new commercial/office/industrial space in 2000 with the creation of thousands of new jobs.)
Progressive Convention and Visitors Bureau (tourism is at an all-time high with an impact of $22 million each year.)
-Largest weekly Chamber networking event in metropolitan Kansas City, drawing from across the area
-The unifying force that pulls community partnerships together in pursuit of common goals. “One Vision. One Voice.”
Established in 1921