The Nigeria Solidarity Support Fund (NSSF) was born from a partnership between the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) and Global Citizen (GC). NSSF is a resource mobilizing platform set up to catalyze the government’s response to challenges resulting from or worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of improving health outcomes for vulnerable populations and underserved communities.
NSSF responded to the pandemic, delivering innovative COVID-19 vaccines to over 4.9 million Nigerians. In addition, a vaccine campaign was launched reaching more than 12 million Nigerians across six (6) states.
NSSF is building on its COVID-19 activities to inform, empower, and support the delivery of priority vaccines to Nigerians with a focus on:
• Reducing under 5 childhood mortality rates through improved childhood vaccination in Nigeria.
• Improving leadership and governance of Routine Immunization (RI) programs as well as strengthen strategic communication and cross learning in the health sector..