The Defence organisation is a large, dynamic and technologically advanced organisation, which, as do other large organisations, requires a broad diversity of personnel. The higher military positions are held by officiers. Staff positions, specialist positions and executive positions require officers with job-specific training and education, at least to higher vocational level.
In addition, there is a requirement for officers at university level, who, after they have gained ample experience, can progress to the higher and highest policy-making and management positions within the Defence organisation.
Given the specific military nature of the training, it is desirable for a large part of the officer training courses to be taught within the organisation. These courses are given at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA). The NLDA comprises the institutes for the general officer training courses, for all Services and all levels: the initial officer training courses, as well as career courses at middle, higher and senior management levels. The Netherlands Defence Academy also conducts academic research, linked to the academic courses, for the purposes of knowledge development, innovation and policy support. Wherever possible and useful, the NLDA works together with universities and institutes of higher vocational education.