The National Alliance for Food Security (NAFS) works in collaboration with several allies, although, do not accept any sort of monetary contribution – which means our work is thoroughly volunteer. We believe that there are already numerous NPO with specialized workforce supported by regular donors. Thus, NAFS only creates the networking and manages the knowledge and human resources from partners that share similar goals and values.
Our project consists in providing water access for irrigation during the drought to develop crops and cattle in rural areas in the Brazilian semiarid region, historically known to suffer from hunger and malnutrition. However, the NAFS applies a variety of innovative approaches to offer a definitive solution.
Mission: Connect and manage specialized workforce from multiple nonprofit organizations partners as part of our project against hunger in the Brazilian semiarid region.
Vision: To vanish malnutrition and provide economic growth in rural areas through innovative solutions and solid networking.
Values: Integrity, Empathy, Innovation, Environment-friendly.