The mini-moxie Brand Mission
is to empower young girls to find strength and bliss through Jesus, have a gracious and courageous heart, be fearless with their own ideas, inspirational to each other, and above all, to gain a little moxie on the way.
mini-moxie is a stylish brand with age appropriate lingo and designs for young girls who want to spread their moxie - whether it’s in a mini-moxie card to their friends or on a mini-moxie t-shirt of their own. Providing opportunities to spread moxie encourages girls fearless and influential with their own ideas, and inspiring and motivational to those around them.
The force behind the brand - The mini-moxie Board - consists of a team of girls (ages 8-16) contributing their own designs and ideas to help build the mini-moxie brand. The members of the board attend quarterly meetings and discuss their mini-moxie brand contributions. Each board meeting also gives them a chance to develop professional skills through exposure to successful female business leaders and gain insight on what it takes to work together and develop a brand they are proud of.