Families of service personnel move around frequently and it can often be tough to put down roots or make new friends which can leave women feeling isolated, particularly when loved ones are away for long periods of time.
Research shows that singing in a choir can help to alleviate stress and can contribute to an improvement in isolation, anxiety and depression. The Military Wives Choirs therefore have a vital role to play by bringing women in the military community together to sing, share and support one another.
There are nearly 2,000 women with a military connection in our 72 choirs based across the UK and in British military bases abroad.
Choirs are not just open to wives of serving personnel either - anyone with a military connection can join empowering women from across the military community.
Knowing that you have a choir to go to in your new location where you know the songs and even some of the people can be a real lifeline. That’s why, whilst each local choir has its own identity, all are run in a very similar way with shared music, a fun and friendly ethos and lots of ‘cross-network’ projects and activities to bring women together and allow ladies to feel comfortable in a new environment with peers who understand.
Charity registered in England and Wales (1148302) & Scotland (SCO45217).
Working with SSAFA
The Military Wives Choirs Foundation, which encapsulates all of the choirs, a small central support team and the Board of Trustees, is an independent charity and subsidiary of SSAFA.
As part of the SSAFA family, the Military Wives Choirs work side by side and support SSAFA’s mission to relieve need, suffering and distress amongst the Armed Forces, veterans and their families in order to support their independence and dignity as a charity run by, for and with women in the military community.