We are a nonprofit organization promoting Irish culture, language, and community cohesion in the Memphis, TN area. We host events for the local Irish diaspora and people of all backgrounds to learn about and practice Irish culture, get to know each other, and network. No one comes to a Cumann Gaelach Memphis (Memphis Irish Society) event and leaves without making new friends. Our goal is to organize the local Irish community, educate on what it means to be Irish, and nurture Memphis with Irish spirit and charity. There is no ancestral requirement to join or participate. You don't have to have Ireland in your blood, just Ireland in your heart! If you're interested in all things Irish, we encourage you to become a member (or just join the email list) and come to an event. We're very friendly and inviting, and we embody the Irish philosophy of "céad míle fáilte" (a hundred thousand welcomes)!