Our Mission - To engage the business community in promoting the benefits of hiring qualified individuals with disabilities and provide Manitoban’s with disabilities the opportunity to acquire meaningful employment.
The Manitoba Business Leadership Network Inc. (mbln) works with the business community to promote and improve employment for qualified individuals with disabilities.
In Manitoba, about 233,275 people aged 15 and older have identifie disabilities.Currently, 75% of Manitobans with disabilities in the labour force are unemployed or underemployed.
The MBLN is working with Manitoba businesses to change that.
By creating and advancing employment opportunities for people with disabilities we are promoting and building a stronger workforce and marketplace.
By the age 45 about 17% of Canadians will have a disability. Will your business be ready to accommodate them? The mbln can show you how.
Established in 1999, the Manitoba Business Leadership Network Inc. focuses on using the
experiences of business leaders to inform other members of the business community about the economic benefits of hiring persons with disabilities.
At the same time, the mbln provides Manitobans with disabilities the opportunity to acquire meaningful employment.
The mbln believes in leading through inspiration.