Mindscape is a game publisher with an enormous legacy. Back in the 80’s Mindscape published already for the Amiga and other platforms. It grew to a worldwide publisher with a wide variety of famous games like Reader Rabbit, Prince of Persia, Myst and Riven and Team Apache. In the last decade Mindscape re-designed it’s brand to get ready ready for the future. In the last five years we distributed and published many successors like Gear.Club, Asterix, Smurfs, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and Story of Seasons. With our own line of animal-and puzzle games we also set a big footprint in development and world wide (digital) releases. We are proud that our games are distributed all over the world in so many languages. For the coming years we continue developing great and fun titles in multiple languages to publish all over the world under the legendary MINDSCAPE label. In 2022 we will brought the colorful Life in Willowdale to market and some fun multiplayer puzzle games. Keep following us for all new projects and surprising new adventures we are bringing to you in 2023.