Established in 1878, the Louisiana Dental Association (LDA) is the largest professional health organization for dentists in Louisiana.
It is a statewide grassroots organization whose purpose is to promote, advocate, and protect the dental professional. The LDA has nearly 1,900 members.
LDA members are actually part of a “tripartite” system, meaning they fill out one membership application and pay one dues amount and are members of the American Dental Association (ADA), the LDA, and their local component dental society. So, our members actually have three advocate groups. The local component dental society in your area provides camaraderie and local support. The LDA is made up of nine component societies covering each major area of the state. Each holds organized meetings, special events and seminars.
The LDA promotes our members services, represents thier needs and provides support services and continuing education events on a state level, while the ADA provides similar services on the national level.