Life Vest Inside is a non profit organization dedicated to spreading kindness, empowering people, and building self-esteem and self-value. At LVI, we're all about helping people see the AMAZING and WONDERFUL potential they have to make a difference in the world through simple yet powerful acts of kindness!
We set out on our journey to change the world through the power of kindness and up to date we have reached over 80 million people globally through our inspirational film Kindness Boomerang, piloted our Educational Kindness Curriculum with over 200 educational stakeholders, organized four successful WorldWide events (Dance for Kindness) with over 5,000 global participants from over 50 countries, spanning across over 100 cities, and most recently LVI Founder, Orly Wahba, gave a talk at TED2013 on the power of kindness, taking us even further on our mission to effect global change.
LVI has been featured in Ad Week, CBS News, International Business Times and many other notable publications.
Join us on our mission to unite and empower the world with kindness!
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead
Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
2101 Ocean Pkwy
Brooklyn, NY 11223, US
Spreading kindnessEmpowering peopleBuilding self-esteemOrganizing global eventsDeveloping educational curriculums
Educational Kindness CurriculumInspirational film Kindness BoomerangWorldWide events (Dance for Kindness)
FilmWorldWide EventsEducatioMaking people feel awesome!