"The Lega del Filo d'Oro, with the sole aim of achieving social harmony, has as its objective the assistance, education, rehabilitation treatment and re-integration of people who are deafblind and have multisensory deficits." The commitment laid down in the Statute is pursued by:
• creating suitable structures
• training qualified staff
• carrying out research and experiments in the fields of deafblindness and multisensory impairment
• encouraging contacts with Italian and international organisations, institutes and universities
• awareness building with appropriate organisations and with the general public about the prevention of these handicaps
Deafblind people have serious deficits related to sight and hearing. In Italy the problem is much more widespread than you would think: tens of thousands of people of all ages, if you also take into consideration those with a serious sensory handicap (sight or hearing) linked to late development and motor handicap.
Deafblindness and multisensory impairment severely limit communication abilities, personal autonomy and learning and therefore cause problems in perception of the surrounding environment and in interpersonal relationships. Children, teenagers and adults are welcomed in the Osimo Centre. Each client follows his own individual programme.