The Lambrakis Foundation is a non-profit private institution of public interest. It aims at contributing to the development, growth and prosperity of Greece by investing in education, lifelong learning, culture and sustainable development.
The activity of the Lambrakis Foundation (LF) includes
• research and studies
• creation of educational resources and content on a variety of issues linked to personal or collective growth, social cohesion and sustainable development
• education and training programs for adults, especially teachers
• projects on the empowerment of vulnerable groups
• pilot projects in the fields of education, culture and development
• conferences and seminars
• creation of national networks (e.g. of schools)
• development and operation of the e-paideia portal and of themed websites.
All of the LF products and services are made available for free. Since it was founded in 1991, the LF has managed successfully more than 130 projects, in partnership with 280 organisations, 170 of which are based outside Greece and are mainly universities and research or policy organisations. All of the LF’s projects have received excellent evaluations from external bodies (the European Commission, universities etc.). The Foundation has been repeatedly awarded and recognised for its quality of work.
Considering the critical role education can play in introducing some of the changes needed, in order to recover from the crisis Greece has experienced over the last decade, the LF chooses to currently invest in education, with special focus on areas that promote sustainable development and social cohesion, such as civic engagement, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, employability and interculturalism.