KAOMS is a non-profit think tank registered under the Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense advancing military studies in Korea and abroad.
Its core members include 70 former ROK military general and flag officers from the Army, Navy and Air Force, university professors, security and defense journalists, defense industry leaders, and military and national security experts across South Korea. The current ROK Minister of Defense was also a member of KAOMS until his appointment.
KAOMS' quarterly journal < military forum 군사논단 > is one of the oldest military-studies focused journals in Korea. It is circulated to the Ministry of Defense, Korea National Defense University, ROK Army, Navy and Air Force HQs and other key ROK defense education institutions. The journal is also circulated to all service units including and above the platoon level.
KAOMS annually co-hosts <Assessment of International Security Environment and ROK Strategy> with the Joint Forces Military University (합동군사대학교), where current ROK Defense and Foreign Affairs leaders, congressional leaders, and leaders and representatives of foreign nations and allies attend in addition to the ROK JFMU officer students.
Internationally, KAOMS participates in annual TTXs with our partner institution Hudson Institute, Washington DC and also conducts annual seminars, exchange of research, and leadership visits with the Republic of China's National Defense University. Most recently, KAOMS has commenced the ROK-US Alliance joint-seminar series with Harvard University Belfer Center's Korea Project mid-2021.
The current President General (ret) Leem Ho-young was the Deputy Commander of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command and currently co-serves as ROK Vice Chairman of the Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) and Vice President of the Korea-US Alliance Foundation (KUSAF).