Illinois Crisis Prevention Network (ICPN) is a collaborative partnership between Trinity Services and Hope, funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services – Division of Developmental Disabilities (DHS-DDD). ICPN – Support Services Teams (SST) provide assistance on a statewide basis. Referrals to ICPN are generated by DHS-DDD to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, many of whom are dually diagnosed with a mental illness, who are experiencing complex behavioral or medical challenges. ICPN provides community-based services and supports to the children and adults who are referred, as well as their families, provider agencies, schools, places of employment, and community day service programs.
People referred to ICPN may be currently residing in a CILA, ICF-DD, skilled nursing facility, family home, children’s group home or child care center, psychiatric hospital or state operated developmental center. The Illinois Crisis Prevention Network strives to communicate with and bring all team members together to collaborate in the development and implementation of a clinically appropriate, person-centered plan. The ICPN also offers diverse learning opportunities to strengthen the clinical services provided to people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness in an effort to transition families and community providers from a crisis management.