Humanity First is non profit organization registered in 50 countries across 6 continents and has been active since 1995. Humanity First Canada is an international non-profit volunteer based charitable organization providing relief and assistance to the less fortunate in Canada and across the globe to alleviate poverty and improve their quality of life.
Humanity First has a multitude of projects to help at a local and international level. From projects like 'Feed the Homeless' to helping build schools in Haiti, Humanity First aims to bring resources and opportunities to the less fortunate across the globe.
Humanity First also provides humanitarian aid to those affected by natural disasters and undertakes emergency relief operations around the world providing medical assistance, shelter, water, food, clothing and sanitation to affected populations.
This page is dedicated to the York University chapter of Humanity First. During the 2018-2019 year, York University students raised funds for the Shelter Bus project. The Shelter Bus is a mobile shelter that is was created as a cost effective solution to help tackle the growing homelessness crisis in Toronto.
If you are a York University student and are looking to get involved with Humanity First, please email us at
Follow us on our other social media platforms:
Instagram: @humanityfirstyu
Twitter: @HFYorkU