The Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology (HeSMO) is a non-profit scientific group founded in 1985 in Greece by 22 founding members. The aim of HeSMO is to enhance tuition and updates in the area of clinical oncology as well as to promote prevention, diagnosis, treatment and research on malignant neoplasms.
HeSMO organised its first Hellenic Congress of Clinical Oncology in 1992 and since then the Society constantly organises a similar Congress every 2 years.
Means for the achievement of Society’s are:
Organisation of teaching courses and updates on malignant neoplasms
Organisation of scientific events, educational meetings, seminars, workshops, congresses national and international, in order to exchange current ideas and information about the Society’s main objective.
Creation of requisites for the prevention of cancer in population subgroups
Organisation and coordination of clinical trials for better understanding the cause, the pathology, the immunobiology and the epidemiology of neoplastic diseases.
Organisation and coordination of diagnostic/clinical protocols and guidelines for the optimum therapeutic approach for neoplastic diseases.
Coordination and collaboration of the Society with relevant Societies in Greece and abroad.
Sponsoring the renovation of hospital structures relative to the therapeutic treatment of cancer patients.
Η Εταιρεία Ογκολόγων - Παθολόγων Ελλάδας (Ε.Ο.Π.Ε.) αποτελεί μη κερδοσκοπικό Επιστημονικό Σωματείο και
ιδρύθηκε τo 1985 με έδρα την Αθήνα από 22 ιδρυτικά μέλη. Σκοπός της ΕΟΠΕ είναι η προώθηση της διδασκαλίας και ενημέρωσης στον τομέα της κλινικής ογκολογίας.
Η ΕΟΠΕ εγκαινίασε την οργάνωση του πρώτου της Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Κλινικής Ογκολογίας το 1992 και πραγματοποιεί έκτοτε ανελλιπώς Διετές Συνέδριο.