Hat Games (once known as Business Corp. Incorporated, and before that, Hyroglyphik Games) is a Montreal-based independent game company with a commitment to elegant and innovative mechanics. Our mission is to create incredibly fun games that go against the grain and change people’s views of whichever medium we are working in. What we make is truly a labor of love, and we plan to keep it that way.
Our first major title, King of the Hat, is a fast-paced, hat-based party game releasing on PC and Nintendo Switch. In the past two years it’s grown from a small 3-person project to an award winning, ready-for-market product. The game aims to be accessible for families and gamers of all ages, and achieves this through intuitive controls, adorable characters, and an easy objective everyone can understand: jump on your friend’s hat! We are proud to have launched our game on the new Discord storefront in October 2018.
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