Green Dream Foundation is a non-profit organization focused on generating environmental awareness among people and drive action.
Our vision is to raise awareness about the environment and promote knowledge and education on prime environmental concerns especially waste management, climate change and global warming. We also focus on exploring knowledge through online, social media and partnerships about the emerging environment and highlight how people/ groups can get ready for the challenges of tomorrow, thus ushering a safer and more secure future for everyone.
The environmental conditions are deteriorating, the population is growing at a rapid pace, trees are being cut indiscriminately and the industrial development has raised pollution levels. All these degenerating factors have a tremendous impact on the social, political and economic conditions prevalent in the world.
It is important for all of us to take note of the changes occurring in our environment and our role in that process. Each of us can do something, change some of our daily patterns, to secure the planet and stem global warming.
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