To be the premiere voice for the Army in Greater Kansas City
We are a voice for the Army in the Greater Kansas City area that supports Soldiers, civilians, veterans, and their families through educational programs and community outreach.
One of 121 AUSA chapters around the world whose organizational purpose as an educational non-profit is to provide the Voice for the Army and Support for the Soldier.
Chapter priorities for fulfilling our purpose are 1) transitioning military, 2) Young Professionals, and 3) facilitating better understanding and meaningful connections between the military and business communities of KC Metro.
All chapter leaders are volunteers. Our chapter leadership team is comprised of a diverse group of ages (30 -70+), military experience (NCO – MG), and service experience (AF; Army; AGR; Active Duty; Military Spouse; Vietnam; Desert Storm; 9/11).
We create and deliver programs that meet the needs of our members and community and have monthly events and activities. Events vary in format and audience but all deliver on our purpose.