Gateway domestic Violence Services offers counseling, residential care and court advocacy services for victims of domestic violence and their families, in the City of Aurora, Arapahoe County, Adams County, and Douglas County, Colorado. Our mission is to prevent and eliminate partner violence and to empower people for social transformation.
We receive more than 5,000 crisis calls a year and support more than 2,000 individuals with residential care (including children and their pets), counseling, and court advocacy for domestic violence victims.
Individual counseling is available for women, men and children suffering from the effects of domestic violence.
Gateway counselors work hand-in-hand with our clients to empower and to heal the pain and scars of abusive relationships. Part of our process includes education, self- empowerment, building self-esteem, setting boundaries, safety planning and forming healthy relationships.
We provide a 24-hour crisis line answered by trained staff and volunteers who offer referrals, counseling and crisis intervention: 303.343.1851
At the Aurora Municipal Court, Gateway houses a Court Advocacy Program (CAP) that provides victims of domestic violence with emotional support, information on their legal options and support through the court processes.
Residential Services:
Gateway operates two residential shelter facilities. The short-term facility in Aurora has 24 beds; our other (long-term) facility in southern Arapahoe county has a 15-bed capacity.
Gateway’s North residential program offers a 45-day program for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Our South residential program offers extended stay for up to 90 days. Both residences provide women with confidentiality, counseling and safety, enabling the rebuilding of a life free from abuse.